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toys, activity toys, playhouse, den, Casa deco play house, Kidsonroof play house, published by Bobby RabbitDon't you just wish that you had one of these as a child? This adorable little hideaway forms part of the Casa Collection from talented Dutch designers Kidsonroof, and is available in the UK for £35.00 from one of our favourite children's specialists, The Kid Who. Measuring 70 x 70 x 105cm, with a door, seven windows and several secret spy holes, (not to mention a tree, bird, cat, rabbit, squirrel and an ant), and made from 100% biodegradable, recycled paper, there is more than enough room to colour, paint, decorate and play. And if this is too girly, the Casa Collection also includes a fabulous rocket den, perfect for little boys (and tomboys). Get it now, before everyone else does - and don't forget to use our very special 10% off code offered exclusively from The Kid Who to Bobby Rabbit readers! Visit our Special Deals section for more details.
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