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The Deep Blue Sea

The Deep Blue Sea

Down at the bottom of the deep blue sea -
What do you think would swim around me?
Whales and narwhals, sharks with teeth!
Lobsters living in the reef.

Here’s a boat upon the sand;
I wonder why it’s on the land?
Quickly, quickly in I jump -
And off I sail, with a bump!

All around me, waves so tall
Tiny boats (and me) – so small!
When suddenly, a bright blue cloud;
A flash of lightning, thunder loud…

Hurry, hurry - back to shore!
Where I can sit and play some more.
Sink my toes into the sand;
Safely back on warm, dry land.

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£38.00 In Stock
From £269.00 In Stock
From £269.00 In Stock
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