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furniture, tables and chairs, children's desks, children's tables, children's chairs, Les Gambettes, Molly Meg, published by Bobby Rabbit This weekend, we visited HOME exhibition in London. And today we are sharing one of our favourite finds... These beautiful desks and chairs, designed and manufactured according to FSC forest-friendly regulations by French company Les Gambettes, will add a fabulous retro 50s feel to your child's room. Made from formica and metal, and with a practical little drawer for storing books, pencils, crayons and pens, they come in a striking range of colours. furniture, tables and chairs, children's desks, children's tables, children's chairs, Les Gambettes, Molly Meg, published by Bobby Rabbit Dimensions are as follows:

Desk: 55 x 40 x 54cm (h)
Chair: seat height 31cm, total height 57cm (recommended for ages 3 upwards)

You can buy them in the UK from the stylish children's design shop, Molly-Meg, for £170 (desk) and £68 (chair) - in red, yellow, pink, green and taupe, with colours changing each season.

So for a splash of 50s cool (and loads more gorgeous little finds) be sure to check out their website!

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