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Jonathan Adler soft toys Cheetah and Giraffe from AlexandAlexa, published by Bobby RabbitJonathan Adler soft toys Elephant and Owl from AlexandAlexa, published by Bobby RabbitIt's hard not to smile when you first set eyes on these guys. Cushions and soft toys all rolled into one, each animal comes with its very own little 'accessory' and a back pocket to store it in when not in use. And a very individual sense of style (especially when it comes to footwear). Chic pink Cheetah in her tiara and jewels, not forgetting her tail bow and heels is not only beautiful, but incredibly talented as well. For she plays the violin, don't you know. Her policeman friend Giraffe with his smart blue trousers, boots and braces, and his walkie talkie ready for when he's on the job looks pretty impressed. Cowboy Elephant with his red and gold boots, brown stetson and authentic, all-important lasso, and wise old Owl in his tank top and spectacles carrying his much-revered calculator are every bit as fun, with bags of personality to match. The toys are the creation of interior designer Jonathan Adler, and are made using the finest cotton canvas fabric with embroidered detailing. Ranging from £40 (cheetah and owl) to £57 (giraffe and elephant), they'd look right at home sitting in the cot or on the bed - when they're not being played with, that is. They are available at AlexandAlexa. Now, to choose which one...
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